The new and improved Kinema Club

Sybil Thornton sybil.thornton
Wed Oct 6 11:38:50 EDT 1999

Very nice!

Abe' Mark Nornes wrote:

> The new and (hopefully) improved Kinema Club is not online. It dispenses
> with the old design, a relic of the early internet, and organizes things in
> a far easier structure. There are a number of new features:
> ---A section on "searching" for this and that.
> ---A section archiving whatever we want, since we are all historians of one
> stripe or another. For the time being, you'll find the two older versions of
> Kinema Club in there for posterior's sake.
> ---A section on teaching that includes syllabi, paper assignments and the
> like. There are a few syllabi for classes being taught this fall that will
> come online in the near future. As you look at this section, I hope you'll
> consider adding your own.
> ---A section for KineJapan that includes a faq and simple explanations for
> how to join and how to sign off (now no one has an excuse for losing the
> instruction sheet!). There are also instructions for using the archive. This
> will become its own page when the web interface is working. Maureen has
> spent a bundle of her own money to allow _us_ to do this, which means that
> its going to take some of her time and her staff's time to make it happen.
> And a few other thing's you have to find for yourself. Go explore, and tell
> us what you think. There are still a lot of little mistakes, some of which I
> know about and some of which I have yet to notice. I'd like to hear about
> these.
> Finally, I would like to think Maureen Donovan, our host for Kinema Club and
> KineJapan and Ohio State, for all the work she's done. Neither would be
> possible without her technical, financial and, yes, moral support. She has
> taken time from a terribly busy schedule to help us renovate Kinema
> Club...and this is only the most recent of many such times.
> Markus
> Kinema Club:

S.A. Thornton
History, ASU

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