Fwd: query: Rampo story

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Thu Oct 7 10:04:09 EDT 1999

A query from H-FILM.  Responses should go to the original sender with a 
copy to the list.

---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
From: Charles Tepperman <ctepperm at chat.carleton.ca>

A colleague is writing her thesis about free (writerly) film adaptations 
an adaptation sub-genre. She would like to examine the film RAMPO 
1994; a.k.a. MYSTERY OF RAMPO) but has had difficulty finding an English
translation of the (main) story the film is based on. I've included an 
she sent me with the details; any help in finding this material would be
appreciated. Please respond directly to Natalie: nneill at cyberus.ca.


Charles Tepperman
Carleton University, Ottawa

----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------

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