Gaiman's Mononoke

Mark Schilling schill
Thu Oct 28 04:53:58 EDT 1999

LT asked:

 In all the articles I've seen about the American release, none of them
compare the Japanese version (which has been available in fan-subbed tapes)
to the English-language one.  In particular I've been curious about
Gaiman's contributions.  He's a wonderful writer and probably a good choice
but did he work from a translation?  From a general outline of the story? 
Miyazaki says he hasn't seen (or doesn't intend to see) the
English-language version, who approved it?  Since Disney/Miramax were
supposedly forbidden to cut the film it seems very unlikely that Miyazaki
or somebody at Ghibli wouldn't also oversee the dialogue.  (& was it only
dialogue or were some sound effects also redone?)

Here's what I've heard:

1) Gaiman worked from a translation of the Japanese script.

2) Steve Alpert of Tokuma International represented Studio Ghibli
throughout the script writing, casting and dubbing process. 

3) Miyazaki gave the greenlight for the English-language version on
condition that Miramax (a) not cut any scenes and (b) not change the music,
other than to add English lyrics. As Miyazaki's man on the scene, Steve
also tried hard to keep the English-language script as faithful as possible
to Miyazaki's vision. 

Did he succeed?  Well, Miyazaki did agree to the US promo tour, so he
couldn't have hated the US version, could he? 

More than that I cannot say!

Mark Schilling (schill at

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