Books in Tokyo
Livia Monnet
Mon Sep 13 12:54:54 EDT 1999
Would greatly appreciate any suggestions on reviews,articles on the Ring
movie series(Ring 1,Ring 2) and Suzuki Koji,s novel on which it is
based.Also any stuff on Rasen and the Korean remake of Ring,The Ring
Virus.Must have missed the discussion on KineJapan on this movie,so I
apologize.The Ringmania produced some astonishing results at the Fantasia
festival in Montreal(am sure there were postings on that too during my
absence).Thanks for any pointers,in Japanese,French,German,English and
other languages. LM At 17:31 99-09-10 +0900, you wrote:
>Tokyo Book Map is also a great resource for finding books in Tokyo.
>It costs less than 700 yen, and it lists most of the specialty book
>stores in Tokyo, not just ones on film of course, complete with
>descriptions, contact info, hours, maps and more.
>Be sure to get the 1999-2000 version--I made the mistake of using the
>1997-1998 version and wandered around Ikebukuro trying to find a film
>bookstore that was no longer in existence.
>Aside from the bookstores that are already listed on the KineJapan Club
>Yaguchi Shoten
>Inagaki Shoten
>They also list this one:
>Shineshiti ("Cine City")
>1 minute from Omotesando
>open everyday 12-8
>I haven't checked it out yet, but I hope it's not more on the pop
>side than the "substance" side.
>This book also has section on subculture that looks promising.
>Also, by chance, I happened to find a bookstore that had a small but
>surprisingly good section on Japanese film, including a discount on
>many books (and film scripts) from Waizu shuppan. There were three
>books there that I had just special ordered from Kinokuniya. Anyway,
>some books looked new, but there was almost none of that star profile
>crap that you always see. It is way out of the way though, and I
>wouldn't make a special trip. Check out page 115 of Tokyo Book Map.
>The store's name is $BMnJf<K0l(J'$B4[(J $BGB(Jnd it is on the Seibu
>line at $B9>8EED(J. They also have a $BFs(J'$B4[(J $BGU(Jhat
specializes in
>$B88A[J83X(J, but that's only open on weekends.
Livia Monnet
University of Montreal
3150, Jean-Brillant, Pav. Lionel-Groulx
C.P. 6128 Succ. Centre-Ville
Montreal, Qc, Canada
H3C 3J7
Phone (514) 343-6340
Fax: (514) 343-7716 / 2211
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