the information revolution

Joseph Murphy jmurphy
Thu Apr 20 13:01:09 EDT 2000

Just a general query.  This is a little tangential, and I do appreciate the
recent calls to have more talk about films on the list, but I can't help
being interested in the various media too, so here's another meta-question:
Everyone's probably aware that as the latest improvement on the Cliff Notes
concept there are a number of websites available nowadays that will
download completed undergraduate term and research papers for a fee.  If
the topic is Dickens or early childhood cognitive development I'm guessing
there's a wide selection of material to choose from in all lengths, formats
and competence levels.   But I was wondering if anybody has an idea what
kind of material on Japanese film, Japanese directors, etc., is currently
available from these sites?  What kind of papers can be downloaded, what
are the favorite topics?  How much do they cost?  Any information,
including URL's of the better sites, would be much appreciated.

Just trying to stay in tune with the New Economy,
J. Murphy

Joseph Murphy
E-mail: <jmurphy at>
TEL: (352) 392-2110/2442. FAX (352) 392-1443
Office address: Dept. of African & Asian Lang. and Lit.
University of Florida, Box 115565, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA

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