Non-availability [sigh] of NTSC Kohayakawake no Aki

Michael E. Kerpan kerpan
Thu Aug 31 19:35:28 EDT 2000

FWIW, I got a very prompt and polite (but sadly completely undesirable)
response from Toho on the issue of whether Kohayakawake no Aki could be bought
from them for US consumption:

[quoting Toho's response to my inquiry]

Thank you for your e-mail dated August 31, 2000.
As regards the movies you mentioned("Kobayakawa-ke no Aki"), 
please be advised that the videocassettes/discs sold here in Japan 
are licensed for sale in the domestic territory only 
and that any sales of such videograms to the customers 
outside in Japan is strictly prohibited. 
Also we don't have the English subtitled version.
Therefore, we are not in position to provide you with a Toho's video.

Sorry for being unable to entertain your request. 
Please understand. 


Although available in France (in SECAM), this dopesn't help unless you have
about $500 (minimum) to buy a converting VCR.  I am not happy.

Sighing once again,

Michael Kerpan

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