DVD play

The Gline / Serdar Yegulalp thegline at thegline.com
Mon Feb 7 19:53:18 EST 2000

> Interestingly, a number of DVD manufacturers have open-region/mulit-region
> players available, in a variety of combinations (with CD, with LD, with CD
> and LD, etc.). These are readily available through a number of electronics
> retailers in Japan and the US. One of such US retailers is Mikado Laser
> Japan (www.mikadosf.com), located in San Francisco, CA.

Another option? Get a DVD drive for your PC, and use a software player to
watch movies. The DVD player there can be set to Region 2 while you can
leave your main DVD player for Region 1 (for those of us in the USA). I've
done this for a while now.

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