Oshima and beyond

Heon Seo hseo
Thu Feb 17 23:37:59 EST 2000

Please allow me to intriduce myself to the list with a set of questions
that boil down to a rather ignorantly broad problem.  If I may start
flushing out the little questions:

Can anyone please point to a possible distributor or video carrier where I
can find Hiroyuki Oki's works?  I believe his films have been shown as
"pinku" films.  In addition to his, I am looking in general for films that
use unconventional narrative techniques (or "film language") as a vehicle
to depict "deviant" sexual/psychological/metaphysical states, or vice

I can only offer Ai No Corrida and Oshima's earlier films (though not
"pinku") as better-known models that explore this relation between form and
content.  I am interested in looking at films by Nakamura Genji, Hisayasu
Sato, and Ryu Murakami as well.  Also, is any of Yukio Mishima's films
available in any form in Japan or in the States?  I would very much
appreciate any reference to films and/or distributors.

Lastly, is there a study on or reference to the relation between Japanese
directors and George Batailles' novellas?

Please excuse me if I am recycling questions that are already exhausted in
the list, but I was not able to find any past postings that concern my
interests in the archive of "memorable threads."  Thank you in advance for
illumination on rather abrupt and incoherent inquiry.

Heon Seo

Phd Candidate
Northwestern Unversity

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