Oshima and beyond

Jasper Sharp j.sharp
Fri Feb 18 04:29:53 EST 2000

> In addition to his, I am looking in general for films that
>use unconventional narrative techniques (or "film language") as a >vehicle
to depict "deviant" sexual/psychological/metaphysical >states, or vice

 Ryu Murakami's 'Tokyo Decadence', and early Koji Wakamatsu ('Kabe no Naka
no Hije'/'Secret Acts Between Four Walls'/'Skeleton in the Closet', 1965, is
a good example)

>Also, is any of Yukio Mishima's films available in any form in
> Japan or in the States?  

He appears in a cameo as a stuffed doll in 'Kurotokage' (Kinji Fukasaku
1968), and he wrote the stage adaptation on which the film is based. (I'm
just seeing how many times in a day I can mention this film at the moment)


Lastly, is there a study on or reference to the relation between Japanese
directors and George Batailles' novellas?

Please excuse me if I am recycling questions that are already exhausted in
the list, but I was not able to find any past postings that concern my
interests in the archive of "memorable threads."  Thank you in advance for
illumination on rather abrupt and incoherent inquiry.

Heon Seo

Phd Candidate
Northwestern Unversity

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