Berlin IFF Prize Winners 2

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Sun Feb 20 13:04:16 EST 2000

Just noticed that there are more prizes for Berlin ... as so many 
organisations give awards on the periphery.  NETPAC prize was shared by 
Nakae Yuji's NABBIE'S LOVE.  FIPRESCI's prize for the best film at the Forum 
went to Sabu's MONDAY.  Sabu's film also received special mentions in the 
Caligari Award and Don Quixote Prize.

I'm sure there are other awards I've overlooked as every Tom, Dick and Harry 
seems to have a prize there.  For example, the Stephen Cremin Award for best 
film not invited goes to "HAPPY END" with special mention to "ATTACK THE GAS 

Stephen C.
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