Japanese Releases on 26/2/2000

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Wed Feb 23 04:30:26 EST 2000

Big thanks, Mark.  "Crazy Lips" (with that title) also played in the Tokyo 
International Film Festival without subtitles; I guess in the Fantasy 
section.  I remember it was something about high school girls turning up 
dead, all killed with multiple knife-wounds to the jugular.  But I didn't 
see it.  Sasaki Hirohisa's last movie was "Natural Woman" I think, in that 
spate of lesbian movies several years back.  I'm guessing Suzuki Kazuma 
plays the presumably innocent suspect in this one while Miwa Hitomi plays 
the heroine.  Perhaps Abe Hiroshi is the killer?  Forgive me for 
typecasting!  I'll check with Omega...

Stephen C.
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