On V/ideo?

M Arnold ma_iku
Thu Feb 24 01:06:26 EST 2000

I've been hearing a lot about Suwa's films from a variety of sources 
recently, but I'm not having any luck finding a way to see them (and I'm 
even in Japan!).  Are they or will they be playing anywhere around Tokyo in 
the near future?  Are they available on video yet?  Maybe I'm just not 
paying attention.

Also, please excuse one quick off-topic request:  I remember some discussion 
about DVD and PC technology here recently.  I need to buy a new DVD, 
video-capable PC here in Japan (I've got subtitling and digital video 
editing in mind) but I don't know where to start.  If any of you have any 
advice about brands or products, please mail me privately.  I'm anxious to 
start renting DVDs here...

Mike A
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