Japanese Releases on 26/2/2000

August Ragone kaijupro
Mon Feb 28 01:16:29 EST 2000

> From: "Mark Schilling" <schill at gol.com>
> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:48:04 +0900 
>Stephen asked about Asian film releases in Tokyo this weekend. He's got
>everything on his list but something called "Hakkyu Suru Kuchibiru" ("Crazy
>Lips"?) by Hirohisa Sasaki, who wrote the script for "Ring." Omega Project
>is the production company. The blurb in Pia describes the film as
>"...erotic, grotesque and pop." Interesting combination, what?  

Reminds me of the Japanese cinema catch-phrase of the 1950s: "Ero, Guro,
Nansensu" (Erotic, Grotesque, Nonsense). This was applied to the films that
came after the Occupation was lifted, in adaptations such as the stories by
Edogawa Rampo and Yokomizu Seishi.

August Ragone
Kaiju Productions
Henshin Online [www.fandom.com/godzilla/henshin.asp]

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