rail & train in japanese cinema
Eija Margit Niskanen
eija at tkf.att.ne.jp
Thu Jan 6 19:07:17 EST 2000
Trains are of course an important part of Otoko wa tsurai yo -series -
Tora-san has traveled virtually through all Japan in the series, and always
with train. And they are never Shinkansen.
Your example of detective moviue with timetables and connections are a key
role in the solution brings in mind a couple of the Tuesday Suspense Dramas
on TV , which have had this kind of mystery solutions.
At 02:58 PM 1/6/00 +0900, you wrote:
>Hi guys!
>can somebody recommend me academic publication on the role of trains and
>railroads in japanese cinema? I am particularly interested by :
>- the representation of trains in Anime movies (high tech objects or
>nostalgic representation)
>- examples of 'detective movies' in which Train timetables and connexions
>between trains play a key role in the solution of the investigation (I
>remember reading a novel called "tokyo express', by Guy stanley, on that
>Also, if somebody can suggest me an essay on the theme of trains in cinema
>(not only Japan).
>thank you very much in advance.
>Luc BEAL.
>PS : I cannot recall the name of the japanese movie (is it :"the tatooed
>woman"?) where a young woman travelsevery month during one year by long
>distance train to have her body tatooed. Does anyone know which movie it
>can be?
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