rail and train in Japanese cinema

Rochelle Wong rochellewong
Fri Jan 7 11:32:38 EST 2000


You may find the following reference useful:

Dodd, Stephen. 'The Railway as Rupture: The Writings of Shimazaki Toson'. 
Disrupted Borders: An Intervention in Definitions of Boundaries. Ed. Sunil 
Gupta. London: Rivers Oram Press, 1993. 43-54.

However, this really really deals with railway in Japanese literature.

There was also a request for papers on trains outside of Japanese cinema - 
you may want to try searching Bernardo Bertolucci. Bertolucci, like Ozu, 
used them in many films. To the best of my memory, they have been present 
from 'The Spider's Stratagem' (1970) onwards. However, since psychoanalysis 
was  prevalent in Italian cinema at the time - the trains in Bertolucci's 
cinema (especially) may well refer to the 'return of the repressed'. Hope 
this helps.

If for any reason you are unable to find a copy of the aformentioned paper - 
I will be glad to send you a copy.

Take care,

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