KineJun and Korea

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary at
Wed Jul 12 05:46:16 EDT 2000

The Korean journals it refers to are most likely KINO and CINE 21 which is
funny because the personalities of the publications are so different.  With
an increasing number of Japanese films released in Korea, they clearly do
need help with Japanese information and vice versa.  KINO already has
relationships with SIGHT AND SOUND, POSITIF, etc, reproducing their reviews
and credits in translation.  Still, its a shame if they don't review
Japanese films themselves and vice versa.

Background: CINE 21 is a weekly film magazine with an enormous circulation
that sponsors the Pusan International Film Festival and the recent Chonju
International Film Festival.  Its pretty prominent on every newsstand in a
way that KINEMA JUNPO could only dream about.  It gives weekly cinema
listings in addition to reviews, feature articles, etc.  KINO is a monthly
which has larger dossiers on individual films and larger features.  Both
were founded in 1995 and KINO in particular is a very youthful publication,
more prone to fashion.  A weekly rival to CINE 21 was launched around
October last year but only survived a couple of months.  (I've never managed
to find any interesting Korean film magazines prior to 1995 in any of the
libraries in Seoul, but if anyone can correct me, do email me privately if
its too off-topic for this list.)

Stephen C.

on 12/7/00 12:14 pm, Aaron Gerow at gerow at wrote:

> Kinema Junpo, Japan's oldest trade journal, announced that it had reached
> an agreement with two Korean film journals to exchange information and to
> hold symposia with Japanese and Korean film people at the Pusan and Tokyo
> film festivals.  
> Aaron Gerow
> Yokohama National University
> KineJapan list owner
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