
Michael E. Kerpan kerpan at
Tue Jul 25 22:15:55 EDT 2000

Usually I prefer to lurk for a (possibly long) while before saying anything on
a new list, but in accordance with the instructions of the welcome message, I
hereby introduce myself.

My name is Michael Kerpan.  I am a federal bureaucrat living in Boston.  I am
married and have three boys (15, 12 and 12).  Until the beginning of this year
I had no interest in Japanese films (I had seen some Kurosawa and didn't much
like it).  However, at the beginning of the year (January 1), in fact, we made a
family excursion to see Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke. This set off a wave of
Japanese mania throughout our household. We have now seen most of the Ghibli
films, some Ozu (Ohayo) and some Kitano (Kikujiro and Sonatine) -- all of which
we like very much (except the children have not yet seen Sonatine, too violent
for their taste).

Now, I plan to settle in to lurking and asking occasional naive questions --
for a while.

Best Wishes

Michael Kerpan
kerpan at

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