Ozu films from Shochiku

Lorenzo.Torres@quierotv.com Lorenzo.Torres
Thu Jul 27 07:56:23 EDT 2000

     Hi, Mr. Keplan: I'm very interested in Ozu's cinema. In your e-mail
you talk about a Tokyo Story published volume. May you tell me any
reference about it?. I would like to buy it. Thanks in advance.

     Lorenzo Torres.
     Madrid, Spain.

                    "Michael E. Kerpan"                                                      
                    <kerpan at attglobal.net>                Para:                              
                    Enviado por:                          KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu 
                    owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio        cc:                                
                    -state.edu                            Asunto:      Ozu films from        
                    27/07/00 03:25                                                           
                    Por favor, responda a                                                    

Are there any relatively cheap ways to order the Ozu films from Shochiku?
(I notice that their web-site no longer has any English pages). What is the
quality level of the Shochiku issues as compared to the US releases from
Yorker?  Do script translations exist for any of the films (other than the
expensive published Tokyo Story volume?)


Michael Kerpan
Boston, MA

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