26th JASIAS Conference

Aaron Gerow gerow at ynu.ac.jp
Wed Jun 7 00:34:10 EDT 2000

The 26th Annual Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences conference will 
be held this weekend (June 10-11) at Tokyo Zokei University in Hajioji.

The program features a symposium on the topic of "Image Technology and 
Literacy" (with the panelists Karasawa Hideyasu, Morioka Yoshitomo, and 
KineJapan member Kato Mikiro), and papers on such film-related topics as 
Kurosawa and the Bomb, the reception of Chinese films in Japan, war-time 
Hollywood musicals, several papers on animation, and other theoretical 
papers on moving image arts.  Recent experimental works will also be 

A detailed schedule with paper abstracts, plus information on the 
location, can be found on the following site:


The participation fee is 10,000 yen (5000 for members), but only 1500 for 

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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