Ri Ko Ran Symposium (E+J)

Aaron Gerow gerow at ynu.ac.jp
Sun Jun 11 23:36:25 EDT 2000

Meiji Gakuin University will be hosting a Ri Ko Ran Symposium on 
Saturday, July 1, 2000, featuring a number of papers and a roundtable 
discussion on the actress also known as Yamaguchi Yoshiko or Shirly 
Yamaguchi, who began her career at the Man'ei Studios in Manchuria during 
the war, returned to Japan to star in Japanese, Hong Kong, and Hollywood 
films, before being elected to the Upper House of the Diet.  Much of the 
discussion will focus on Japanese cultural policy in Manchuria during the 
war, with the participating experts specializing not only in film, but 
music and theater as well.  All discussions will be in Japanese.

The schedule is as follows:

13:00 Yomota Inuhiko, "From Ri Ko Ran to Yamaguchi Yoshiko"
14:00 Washiya Hana, "What was the Nichigeki "7-mawari han jiken"?"
14:30 Iwano Yuichi, "Watashi no uguisu" and the Harbin Orchestra"
15:10 Makino Mamoru, "The Film People Who Supported Ri Ko Ran in Manshu, 
Shanghai, and Hong Kong"
15:40 Discussion: "Ri Ko Ran and Japanese Cinema"
     With: Monma Takashi, Ishida Minori, Washiya Hana, Iwano Yuichi, and 
Makino Mamoru
     Moderator: Yomota Inuhiko

Place: Meiji Gakuin University, Shirogane Campus
     2-go kan, Room 2301
Admission is free
Inquiries: Meiji Gakuin Dept. of Art: 03-5421-5380


主催 明治学院大学文学部芸術学科
場所 明治学院大学白金校舎2号館2301番教室
日時 2000年7月1日(土)

13:00 「李香蘭から山口淑子へ」四方田犬彦
14:00 「日劇7回り半事件とは何だったのか?」鷲谷花
14:30 「『私の鶯』とハルビン・オーケストラ」岩野裕一
15:10 「満州、上海、香港で李香蘭を支えた映画人たちについて」牧野守
15:40 討議「李香蘭と日本映画」司会四方田犬彦

問い合わせ 明治学院大学文学部芸術学科 03-5421-5380

Aaron Gerow
Associate Professor
International Student Center
Yokohama National University
79-1 Tokiwadai
Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501
E-mail: gerow at ynu.ac.jp
Phone: 81-45-339-3170
Fax: 81-45-339-3171

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