Three bits of news

Aaron Gerow gerow at
Wed Jun 28 02:27:24 EDT 2000

Three bits of news:

1) I forgot to mention to the list that Takizawa Osamu, the famous 
shingeki actor who appeared in over a hundred films, died on the 22nd at 
age 93.  His films include Kyojinden (1938), Tsuzurikata kyoshitsu 
(1938), Anjo-ke no butokai (1947), Osho (1948), Yabure daiko (1949), Mata 
au hi made (1950), Genbaku no ko (1952), Fires on the Plain (1959), 
Kwaidan (1965), and Senso to ningen (1970-71).

2) The closing ceremony for the Shochiku Ofuna Studios took place on the 
26th, with the studio to officially close at the end of the month.

3) The Korean government announced it would even further relax the 
restrictions on importing Japanese pop cultural products.  Beyond 
accepting Japanese pop music, the new quidelines allow all Japanese films 
that have not been restricted to over-18, and now allow animated movies 
that have won international awards.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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