Fwd: Screening the past new issue on-line

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow
Wed Mar 1 04:19:18 EST 2000

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From:        Screening the past, screen at latrobe.edu.au

Issue number 9 of the on-line journal is now on-line.

As usual there is a broad mix of articles and reviews.

Articles in the First release section:
On Giovanna d'Arco al rogo (1955) by Tag Gallagher.

Hegel's grave by Helen Grace.

How to tell the difference between a stereotype and a positive image 
Priscilla, queen of the desert into history by Alan McKee.

Rhetorical "Rivers of Blood:" mediated interpretive controversy and The
trial of Enoch Powell by Kendall R. Phillips.

Seasick on the Serpentine: Englishness, otherness and consensus in 
to Pimlico by John West.


Review article, A parallel universe? Hollywood in the "Pre-code era" a
review of Thomas Doherty, Pre-Code Hollywood: sex, immorality, and
insurrection in American cinema 1930-1934. by Geoff Mayer

Review article, For criticism part one and part two, a review of Nicole
Brenez, De la figure en g??al et du corps en particulier: l'invention
figurative au cin?a by William D. Routt

Review article, Always a window: Tag Gallagher's Rossellini, a review of 
Gallagher'sThe adventures of Roberto Rossellini by Adrian Martin

Mervyn F. Bendle reviews James B. Twitchell, Lead us into temptation: the
triumph of American materialism.

Chris Berry reviews Michael J. Shapiro, Cinematic political thought:
narrating race, nation and gender.

Chris Berry reviews Stuart Cunningham and John Sinclair (eds), Floating
lives: the media and Asian diasporas.

Ina Bertrand reviews Philip Turner, Moskva Kino: the cinemas of southwest
and central Moscow ,Warner cinemas: an outline history , MGM cinemas: an
outline history , Showcase cinemas: an outline history

John Conomos reviews Philip Brophy (ed.), Cinesonic: the world of sound in

Millissa Deitz reviews Judith Halberstam, Female masculinitys

Sam Hinton reviews Sarah Kember, Virtual anxiety: photography, new
technologies and subjectivity

Adam Knee reviews Andrew Higson & Richard Maltby, "Film Europe" and " Film
America": cinema, commerce and cultural exchange, 1920-1939

Jane Landman reviews Julie James Bailey, Reel women: working in film and

Harriet Margolis reviews Sue Thornham (ed), Feminist film theory: a 
and Sue Thornham, Passionate detachments: an introduction to feminist film

Kevin Murray reviews Peter Lunenfeld (ed.), The digital dialectic: new
essays on new media.

Guillaume Ollendorff reviews Chris Marker, Immemory. Translated from 
by the Guillaume Ollendorff and Adrian Martin

Kristine Philipp reviews Joshua Gamson, Freaks talk back. Tabloid talk 
and sexual nonconformity.

Simon Popple reviews John Barnes, The beginnings of the cinema in England,
1894-1901 volume 5: 1900

Sam Rohdie reviews John Roberts, The art of interruption: realism,
photography and the everyday

Darren Tofts reviews William J. Mitchell, e-topia: "Urban life, Jim ? but
not as we know it" 

Sue Turnbull reviews Ellen Seiter, Television and new media audiences.

Ruth Vasey reviews Chris Watson and Roy Shuker, In the public good?
Censorship in New Zealand

Terrie Waddell reviews Catharine Lumby, Gotcha: life in a tabloid world.

Peter B. White reviews William H. Dutton, Society on the line: information
politics in the digital age

A call for papers has also been posted on the site. The call is for papers
for an issue in June 2001 dealing with Memory, women's autobiography and 
new media, and can be found at:

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