Japanese shorts (Q)

David Lewis david.lionel.lewis
Thu Mar 16 23:16:33 EST 2000


I am working on the programmation for a film festival to be held in
which will consist of fifteen to twenty screenings, mostly of Japanese
feature films.
We would also like to include one or two programs of Japanese shorts,
and that
is the reason for this post. I don't quite know where to find resources
concerning shorts.
I am sure they exist, they might just be less obvious than for feature
films. I would
therefore appreciate any pointers on what is available either on the Web
or elsewhere
that any of you could offer.

Thanks in advance

David Lewis
David Lionel Lewis      david.lionel.lewis at sympatico.ca

Asian Montreal Asiatique:  http://homes.arealcity.com/AsianMTL/
Cine-Asie                       http://www.global-vision.ca/cineasie/

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