Looking for Visual Pleasure
Chika Kinoshita
ckinoshi at midway.uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 27 15:46:12 EDT 2000
Yes, it's been translated by Saito Ayako. It was first published in the
special issue on eiga no shinrigaku (psychology of the cinema) of _Imago_,
v. 3 no. 12 (November 1992): 40-53. I think it was reprinted in _Shin eiga
riron shusei_ by Film Art-sha. (Would anyone doublecheck this?)
Chika Kinoshita
Graduate Student
University of Chicago
At 9:58 AM 10/26/0 +0900, Jeffrey Isaacs wrote:
>Has Laura Mulvey's, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema" been
>translated into Japanese? If someone would point out a source I would
>be most appreciative.
>Jeffrey Isaacs
>Graduate student
>University of Chicago
>Yokohama City University
>jdi1 at midway.uchicago.edu
>home phone/fax: 045-241-5933
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