Non-availability [sigh] of NTSC Kohayakawake no Aki

Pete Tombs petetombs
Sat Sep 2 04:19:53 EDT 2000

Why not get the French (SECAM) version and pay to have it converted to NTSC.
I'm sure this only costs a few dollars. Much less than buying a
multistandard player, in any case.


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael E. Kerpan <kerpan at>
To: <KineJapan at>
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 4:26 PM
Subject: RE: Non-availability [sigh] of NTSC Kohayakawake no Aki

> On Fri, 01 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > Well, shucks, though it's not something I want to offer to do for
> > (although for the right price I could be convinced) but I'll be happy to
> > it for you if you give me the info and pay me the money.
> Your offer is much appreciated.  I haven't managed to find out yet what
> current cost is.  Someone reported it cost about $100 a couple of years
> If that is STILL the price, Toho's policy doesn't make much difference
> I win a lottery jackpot). So, I still have some investigating to do.
> Thanks once again,
> Michael Kerpan

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