"Future Diary" format heading for ABC

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Thu Aug 30 11:36:15 EDT 2001

Variety reports the following.  You might need an account to read the full
story.  Although 30 day trial subscriptions are easy to set up.  And at
US$60 a year, it's currently a real bargain.  Of course, it's always
possible that my account details are encoded in the following URL ... but I
don't think so.  I haven't checked the link yet.  Presumably, this is the
FUTURE DIARY which was made into a documentary last year.  Directed by
Sugimoto Toru and released theatrically on 26 August 2000, it must be one of
the highest grossing documentaries of all time ... anywhere.


Non-actors play roles in real-life romantic drama
The hit Japanese reality format "Future Diary" is headed to the U.S. via

PS: Thanks, Aaron, for clarifying the Higuchi Kanako situation.

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