New books (E+J)

Bill Glenn vze29fhz
Fri Aug 31 01:24:34 EDT 2001

Thank you, it is always nice to learn of new books.  Recently, I found and  bought
"In Praise of Film Studies Essays in Honor of Makino Mamoru" from Barnes and
Noble.  It is very interesting.  I remember you mentioning Kinugassa once, is your
work completed?

By the way, the Ichikawa Kon Retrospective is currently in Boston at the Museum of
Fine Arts.  I was very happy to be able to see several films like Nihonbashi,
Kokoro and Enjo...  James Quandt, who organized this retrospective was there to
introduce the films and share some of his illuminating insight.   There is a
wonderful book to accompany the retrospective available.
Best regards,
Bill Glenn

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow wrote:

> A couple of interesting books have come out recently in Japanese which
> I'd like to introduce:
> 1) Director Aoyama Shinji's first collection of essays has been published
> by Seidosha entitled _Ware eiga o hakkenseri_.  Almost all the pieces
> have been published elsewhere (many in Cahiers du Cinema Japon, though
> some in otherwise hard to find magazines and pamphlets) in a period from
> 1992 to 2001.  The topics are quite varied, ranging from discussions of
> such directors as Kurosawa Kiyoshi, Kurosawa Akira, Suzuki Seijun,
> Masumura Yasuzo, Kumashiro Tatsumi, Kitano Takeshi, Wim Wenders, Godard,
> Eastwood, Altman, etc., to film and book reviews, to discussions of
> music.  The last essay on the geography of cinema and Aoyama's conception
> of "jikkan" (central to his recent thought) is quite interesting.
> Ware eiga o hakkenseri (Tokyo: Seidosha, 2001). ISBN 4791759036. 2800 yen.
> $B at D;3??<#!"!X$o$l1G2h$rH/8+$;$j!Y!J at DEZ<R!"(B2001$B!K(B
> 2) Yomota Inuhiko, one of the most important Japanese critics, has come
> out with another collection of essays entitled _Ajia no naka no Nihon
> eiga_.  Since it is also a collection of previously published essays, the
> title is kind of misleading (only one of the 4 sections in the book is
> about Japanese cinema in Asia), but there are discussions of minorities
> (Koreans, Okinawans, etc.) in Japanese cinema, recent cinema (in a kind
> of continuation of the _Nihon eiga no rajikaruna ishi_ book), and the
> selling of Japanese film abroad.$B!!(BPlus there's a good picture of Shishido
> Jo on the cover!
> Ajia no naka no Nihon eiga (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2001).  ISBN
> 400022003.  2800 yen.
> $B;MJ}ED8$I'!X%"%8%"$N$J$+$NF|K\1G2h!Y!J4dGH=qE9!K(B
> 3) The film director and essayist Naito Makoto has recently published a
> short monograph (shinsho) entitled _Showa eigashi noto: Goraku eiga to
> senso no kage_.  While it is not exactly a thorough historical study, the
> book takes up some topics rarely researched before: the creation of the
> first film school during the war, the role of the actor-director Hayafusa
> Hideto at Daito Cinema, occupation-era Mizoguchi (mostly a reproduction
> of Naito's contribution to the _Eiga kantoku Mizoguchi Kenji_ book), and
> the woman film producer Mizonoe Takiko (who produced most of Yujiro's
> films at Nikkatsu).  There are also interviews with filmmakers Fukukawa
> Yasumichi and Kawamata Takashi, both of whom attended the wartime film
> school.
> Showa eigashi noto: Goraku eiga to senso no kage (Tokyo: Heibonsha,
> 2001).  ISBN 4582850987.
> 700 yen.
> $BFbF#@?!X><OB1G2h;K%N!<%H!!8d3Z1G2h$H at oAh$N1F!Y!JJ?K^<R!K(B.
> Aaron Gerow
> Yokohama National University
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