end of anime as we know it

Sven Koerber svenkoerber
Mon Jul 2 16:05:11 EDT 2001

Hello Japan Film fans !

Mark asked about the end of the anime, but
won't also the films as we know it soon be
far away from the ones we have got today ?

Ayelet mentioned, that the dichotomies between
the painted and the filmed are close to be lost for
ever. That is very true, I think the whole cinematic process 
will step to digital.
Today the digital cameras and projectors are
behind the quality of the "analog" ones, but there
are far more possibilities in it in the artifical fields
( And in the long term it will create possibillities to
make film projects much cheaper than before. I am
not talking about the special effects like Pearl Harbor, 
but for example computer generated sceneries, that
in reality would have costed millions. "The Million Dollar Hotel"
by Wim Wenders used Digital technics, for example the 
hotel lights. )
In 10 years ( some say even sooner ) there will be 
digital equipment equal to the analoges, in quality AND price.

Just look at the modern films of today, where computer graphics
and reality are mixed together. Animes are since a long time
created with computer aid, but to say they will be dead in the
future is somehow odd.
It is more like a development, a metamorphosis in film and anime, 
that creates new results.

But new technics do not have to mean that the old ones will not
exist any more. As the TV was invented, the radio should soon
be dead, but exactly it has made a shift from the primary medium
towards a medium that is used for example while listeners drive
cars, cook meals and so on.

Changes are development;
anything that stops to develop, will soon be dead.

Sven Koerber
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