Charisma vs Cure

Tom Mes china_crisis
Sun Jul 29 13:04:57 EDT 2001

>As for on-topic content, I at last had the opportunity
>to view Kurosawa's Charisma recently and thought it
>was very good.  Does The Cure deal with the same sort
>of themes?

The similarities between Charisma and Cure are there, but they're not so 
obvious or maybe even intentional. Being both Kurosawa films, they 
inevitably deal with a number of similar themes and elements, which they 
share with many of the director's other films.

For more on the connection between the two films read the Charisma review on 
Midnight Eye:

In the interview with Kurosawa on the same site, I directly asked him about 
the similarities between the two films:

Tom Mes
Midnight Eye - japan_cult_cinema

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