Don Brown the8thsamurai
Sun Jun 10 09:13:23 EDT 2001

I saw "Hakuchi" at the Kyoto Film Festival in '99.  By chance, it happened 
to be a premiere screening, with the director and the two female leads 
showing up in person at the tiny micro-theatre it was screening in.  I 
thought it was quite amazing, despite having a hard time getting into it in 
the beginning as it's a fairly hallucinatory film with little attachment to 
time or place.  You could perhaps compare it to Tsukamoto's "Gemini", if 
only in the sense that the lead characters have the same predilection for 
pale emaciated women.  As far as it's reception over here, it didn't seem 
to register much of a reaction at the box office, although I'm unaware of 
the critical reception.  Definitely worth a look. 
Don Brown
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