Donald Ritchie retro

Ono Seiko and Aaron Gerow onogerow at
Sat Mar 10 21:15:19 EST 2001

Theater Image Forum will be holding a Donald Ritchie Retrospective from 
March 17 to April 6.  Ritchie, best known for his writings on Japanese 
film and culture, was also an experimental filmmaker quite involved in 
the 60s Japanese avant garde filmmaking scene.  The retrospective will 
feature these films, most being shown with new prints:

Atami Blues (1962)
Wargames (1962)
Boy with Cat (1966)
Dead Youth (1967)
Life (1965)
Five Philosophical Fables (1967)
Cybele (1968)

A catalog has been made for the retro.  Call Image Forum for details: 

Aaron Gerow

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