about Takeshi Miike

Christophe CRISON ccrison at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 30 03:17:58 EST 2001

I have seen a couple of months ago Miike Takeshi's AUDITION.

It has not been released yet in France, and I have heard that it should be 
soon at least in England.

For what I have seen, Miike is a strong director and is able to infuse 
anxiety in his movie. Unfortunately, most of the press people and word of 
mouth warned about a specific and excruciating moment in the movie (which 
comes at the end), not only ruining the suspens, but also reducing the movie 
to a 15 minutes sequence.

In my opinion, AUDITION is a movie that slowly builds tension, and 
sucessfully creates a strange atmosphere (think of David Lynch sometimes).


>From: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>To: To leave <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
>Subject: KINEJAPAN digest 388
>Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 00:25:11 EST
>			    KINEJAPAN Digest 388
>Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Koreans in film
>	by "David White" <davenkaz at syd.odn.ne.jp>
>   2) Re: Koreans in film
>	by "Jasper Sharp" <jasper_sharp at hotmail.com>
>   3) Re: Who is Miike?!
>	by "Tom Mes" <china_crisis at hotmail.com>
>   4) RE: Who is Miike?!
>	by "Pete Larson" <plarson at contextmedia.com>
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