FW: Globalization and Popular Culture--CFP

Stephen Cremin asianfilmlibrary
Sat Mar 10 08:35:03 EST 2001

From: Kirk Denton <denton.2 at osu.edu>
To: <mclc at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Subject: MCLC:  Globalization and Popular Culture--CFP
Date: Sat, Mar 10, 2001 0:49

From: Tina Chen (chentm at ms.umanitoba.ca)
Subject: Globalization and Popular Culture--CFP

Globalization and Popular Culture: Production, Consumption, Identity
Call for Papers

An international multi-disciplinary workshop examining globalization and
popular culture will be held October 19-21, 2001 at the University of
Manitoba (Winnipeg, Canada). The workshop explores the interface of global
forces and local constellations as refracted through the prism of popular
culture. The analysis of popular culture provides a critical perspective on
the everyday production, consumption, and contestation of identities that
increasingly are called into question by the intersection of
regional/national collectivities and global markets. We take popular culture
to refer to the various taste publics and their artefacts located within
specific national-cultural and transnational contexts. In addition, we are
referring to those systems of commodity production and consumption that
create audiences, shape tastes, and generate desires. 

We welcome proposals that address the themes of production, consumption, and
identity in the study of globalization and popular culture. In particular,
we encourage papers that address at least one of the following questions:
How do local, regional, and/or national identities shape the production and
consumption of culture? To what extent do perceptions of the global and
one=s place in it hinge on and inform manufactured images and standardized
products? What expectations structure the relationship between producers and
consumers of culture in the global economy? To what extent do
regional/national frameworks define the salient issues arising from the
interaction of the global and the local? What can we learn from comparing
publics enmeshed within these frameworks? We seek papers that address these
issues from a variety of disciplines and area studies, including Asia,
Africa, and Latin America.

Abstracts for papers should be no more than 300 words. The deadline for
proposals is April 15, 2001. Please send abstracts and one-page vita to:
Professor Tina Chen, 346 University College, Department of History,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2M8; fax:
204-261-0021. A limited number of graduate student travel grants will be
awarded. To be considered for graduate student travel grants, applicants
should include a brief statement of their research interests and a letter of
reference from their supervisor.

For further information, please contact Professor Tina Chen, Department of
History, University of Manitoba (phone: 204-474-9149; email:
chentm at ms.umanitoba.ca) or Professor Adam Muller, Department of English,
University of Manitoba (phone: 204-474-6416 ; email:
mullera at ms.umanitoba.ca).

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