Koreans in film
Jasper Sharp
Thu Mar 29 03:08:20 EST 2001
I was just flicking through Phil Hardy's Encyclopedia of Horror last night,
and I remember noticing in the review of JIKOGUHEN (1969) that the central
character was supposed to be Korean, though was played by a Japanese actor.
I don't have the details with me, sorry.
Jasper Sharp
>From: "David White" <davenkaz at syd.odn.ne.jp>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>To: "kinejapan" <kinejapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
>Subject: Koreans in film
>Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 14:43:03 +0900
>Thanks to all who supplied me with information to my last posting. Does
>anyone know where I can obtain either a list/info about the history of
>Koreans in Japanese cinema/Korean themes in Japanese cinema?
>I would like to look at the last 30 or 40 years to study Korean
>characters/themes in Japanese film.
>Many thanks.
>David White
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