are these titles available on DVD ?

Mario Desiderio mandm at
Tue May 1 17:33:00 EDT 2001


I tried many major dvd selling websites ( dvdboxoffice, dvdexpress ) but
the only Japanese movies, or any movies but with Japanese audio or
subtitles that they have are anime or documentaries.

Please give me some web sites in which I may find movies.

Tell, where have you bought them and what titles have you bought.

I am very much interested in movies such as:

hiko funjatta (1992)
Other films by Suo include:
Shall We Dansu? (1996) aka Shall We Dance? (1997) (USA)
Fanshii dansu (1989) aka Fancy Dance (1989)
Hentai kazoku: Aniki no yomesan (1983)
Sumo Do, Sumo Don't)  Shiko funjatta (1992)
ai no corrida ( in the realm of the senses )
kurenai no buta
The Exam
Bad sleep well
Poppoya-railroad man
tokyo drifter
tokyo decadence

Thanks a lot,

Mario Desiderio

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