codefree player for Japanese DVD?

Robert Stuhr samurai1 at
Wed May 2 11:34:18 EDT 2001

At 09:39 02.05.2001 -0400, you wrote:
>>Most european list members
>>will have a codefree player anyway I presume.

>Why is this the case?  Are they regularly distributed in Europe?

At first I had a modified Sony DVP S-715. I could switch from Code 1
to Code 2 using the remote control. A few months ago I modified it
again. There are several companies in Germany which do that. I got
a new software and now my player automatically recognizes the RC of
the disc. Also, I can switch by using the remote control. Even a RCE
DVD will cause no problem. 

You might have problems with a player which as actually only codefree
(RC 0) and cannot be switched to the needed RC or recognizes it automatically.
They AFAIK don't play RCE-discs.     

Many filmfans here have to have a player which is able to play any RC. Japan
is RC2 anyway, but who would want to watch The Seven Samurai in a german
dubbed version? And what about all the Criterion discs, the special editions?
Or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. I missed the HK-DVD but bought the korean
DVD which is RC3. Many, many fans here regularly buy RC1 discs.

>I'm in the US and have been looking around for one for some time now.  
>However, I'm a bit skeptical about purchasing one, as I've heard drastically 
>contradictory reviews.  Some people say they break in a matter of time, 
>others say they work well, forever.  

I never had any problems and none of my friends either. And we all have

>Could someone perhaps direct me to a 
>REPUTABLE regionfree manufacturer/distributor and perhaps offer the name of 
>a particular machine that has served you well?

Im sorry I can't provide you with any address in the UK or USA. But I'm
sure you
will get answers here and when you post in alt.asian.movies or a related

Robert Stuhr

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