Fwd: AJJ Tentative Program

Aaron Gerow gerow
Tue May 1 21:31:30 EDT 2001

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From: "David H. Slater" <d-slater at hoffman.cc.sophia.ac.jp>
Subject: AJJ Tentative Program

  Hello Everyone,

      Here is the tentative Program for Anthropology of Japan in Japan. 
group of papers looks quite good and we have scheduled them so that each
paper will have about 30 minutes.

      We have sent out other notices on this board. For full outline of 
meeting, including details of how to register, please contact Brian 
[bmcveigh at gol.com]. Our registration deadline has been extended to May 
but hotel rooms are going fast!

      We hope to see you there.

  David Slater
  Sophia University

   Anthropology of Japan in Japan
    Annual Meeting: Minpaku, Osaka

    May 12th and 13th

    Tentative Program

     Saturday May 12th
     Opening Ceremony   (Saturday 1:00)
    Prof. Nakamaki Hirochika (Minpaku)

     First Session (Saturday 1:30-4:00)

     1A. Identity and Border Crossing (5 Presentations)

    Kazufumi Manabe: Japanese Value Orientation from a Comparative
    Gender Role and National Identity

    David Blake Willis: Borderlands Talk: Cultural Flows and Diasporic
Spaces In Japan

    Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu: Hybridity in People of Multiple Ancestries

     Adam Lebowitz: Ethnology In The Media: Recent Paradigmatic Approaches
Suggested by Newspaper Reporting on Archaeology and Multiculturalism

     HidekoMitsui: Uses of Ethnographic Encounters

    1B. Agents of Socialization (5 presentations)

    Yoko Suzuki: The Confinement of Vagabonds for Correction: the
Mentalities of Japanese Prison Officials, Police Officers and Scholars of
Criminal Law at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

     Peter Cave: Bukatsudoo: What Do Students Learn in Japanese
Extra-Curricular School Clubs?

     Debra Jane Occhi: The Nature of Sentiment in Japanese Enka Music

    Todd Joseph Miles Holden: Food on Japanese Television: The Entr$B;F(B and
the Discourse

    Anka Veronika Badurina: Addressing Gender Construction in Japanese
Television Advertising: Tell me about the Hands Drawing the Body

    Second Session (Saturday 4:30-6:00)
    2A. Cross-Cultural Work-places (3 Presentations)

     Kobe Chan: Dilemmas in cross-cultural communication in a Japanese
General Trading Company in Hong Kong

    Dixon H. W. Wong: Farewell to Foucault: A Self-Critique of "Japanese
Bosses, Chinese Workers: Power and Control in a Hong Kong Megastore"

     Glenda Roberts: Work/ life policy comes to Japan: The introduction of
flexible work arrangements at an American Multinational Corporation

    2B. Cross-Cultural Sexual Cultures (3 Presentations)

    James Farrer: The Chrysanthemum and the Shamrock: transnational sexual
interactions in an Irish Pub in Tokyo

     Haeng-ja Chung: Ethnography of Korean Club Hostesses in Japan

    Nobue Suzuki: "Filipina Farm Brides," Please Raise Your Hands

    Reception 6:30

    Hotel Sun Palace


    Sunday May 13th

    Keynote Dialogue: (Sunday 9:30-11:00)

     Yoneyama Toshinao and Harumi Befu

     "Anthropology of Japan$Bg(B- by Japanese, by Foreigners

    Business Meeting (Sunday 11:00-12:00)

    Lunch (Sunday 12:00-1:00)

    Third Session: (Sunday 1:00-3:30)

    3A. Communities and Subcultures (5 Presentations)

    Steven C. Fedorowicz: Singing Karaoke and Speaking English: The 
Deaf in Familiar Places

    Andre Sorensen: Citizen Participation in Local Environmental 
and the Rebirth of Civil Society in Japan

    Carolyn Wright: Unmarried Single Mothers in Japan

    Tom Gill: The Japanese Myth of White-collar Homelessness

    Rei Sakamoto: Internet Communities

    3B. Japan in Imperial and Historical Perspective (5 Presentations)

    Mariko Hara: The creation of a Japanese national identity in the 
East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere as portrayed in the Japanese wartime

    Timothy Tsu: For Science, Co-Prosperity, and Love: The Re-Imagination 
Taiwanese Folklore and Japan's Greater East Asian War

    Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Study on the Ethical Concepts of the Japanese 
Yukio Mishima, As Ultra-nationalist

    Wakizo Takata: Formation and Change of the Tondenhei Village in 
Hokkaido: A Case Study of Ota Village in Akkeshi Town

    Ayabe Tsuneo: Globalization and changing Japanese image seen from the
outside a historical analysis

    Fourth Session (Sunday 4:00-6:00)

    4A. The Esthetic and Politics (4 Presentations)

    David E. Young: The Yin and Yang of Japanese Aesthetics

    Marie-Lusie Legeland: Traditional hot spring cures in Japan

    Narihisa Nakashima: The Application of UNESCO's Idea of Nature/Culture
in World Heritage Program: A Case Study of Yakushima

    Miyuki Katahira: The Politics of Perspectives: The Management of
Cultural Heritage and Art Education in the Japanese Modernisation

    4B. Japanese Religious Culture (4 Presentations)

    Kuniko Miyanaga: Globalization and Identity

    Clark Chilson: Buddhists Under Cover-The Rationale for Secrecy among
Contemporary Secretive Shinshu Confraternities

    Levi McLaughlin: Faith and Practice: The Music of Soka Gakkai

    Tomoe Moriya: Nostalgia of "Japanese Culture" and the Buddhist 
of America


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