Sen Sinks Titanic

Aaron Gerow gerow
Wed Nov 14 20:34:21 EST 2001

It was a given, but Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (Spirited Away), 
Miyazaki Hayao's new movie, officially topped Titanic's record for the 
top box office film released in Japan.  On the 10th, Sen reached nearly 
2.61 billion yen, besting Titanic's mark of 2.6 billion.  Miyazaki's film 
had already beaten Titanic's attendance record in September, now reaching 
20.15 million tickets sold on the 10th.  At a news conference 
commemorating the record, Miyazaki seemed to forget his statement that 
Sen would be his last film and hinted at another movie to be released in 

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
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