where to find the japanese magazine?

Christophe CRISON ccrison
Fri Nov 23 03:28:03 EST 2001


do you know where i could find information regarding the magazine 
distribution outside holland?



>From: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>To: To leave <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
>Subject: KINEJAPAN digest 601
>Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 00:08:06 EST
>			    KINEJAPAN Digest 601
>Topics covered in this issue include:
>   1) Asian cinema in the Far Eastern Economic Review
>	by "Don Brown" <the8thsamurai at hotmail.com>
>   2) Re: Tough question for Japanese film experts.
>	by Aaron Gerow <gerow at ynu.ac.jp>
>   3) Re: Japan magazine
>	by "Tom Mes" <china_crisis at hotmail.com>
>Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 05:11:12 +0000
>From: "Don Brown" <the8thsamurai at hotmail.com>
>To: kinejapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Asian cinema in the Far Eastern Economic Review
>Message-ID: <F232lT2NqFJ3sl3xbYi00009fe2 at hotmail.com>
>Here's some links to articles on a supposed renaissance of Asian films at
>the local box office.  Interesting that "Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no
>Kamikakushi)" is the only example brought up regarding Japan to support the
>article's supposition.  Unfortunately, it looks rather paltry compared to
>the long list of local hits made in Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand...
>Also, since noone seems to have mentioned it yet, there's an article by
>Mark Schilling offering a round-up of Yakuza cinema in the new "Japan"
>magazine, published in Holland (in English) and available internationally.
>An interesting read.
>Don Brown
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>Date: Thu, 22 Nov 01 15:36:46 +0900
>From: Aaron Gerow <gerow at ynu.ac.jp>
>To: "KineJapan" <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
>Subject: Re: Tough question for Japanese film experts.
>Message-ID: <200111220638.fAM6cM509645 at ynu.ac.jp>
>Again, Roland comes in with the informative answer.  I second his opinion
>that Kimura is worthy of more study, if only in terms of the problem of
>"tenko" in the film industry, and the attraction Man'ei and Manchuria
>held for the left (as in the case of Uchida and Iwasaki Akira).
>Just to add a bit from a personal note:
>First, two of Kimura's prewar films are generally available in video in
>Japan: the 1933 Horoyoi jinsei, a wonderful example of early sound, P.C.L
>modernism, the relation between cinema and commerce (the film was
>sponsored by a beer company), and the "musical" genre; and the 1936 Ani
>imoto, which I think is a more interesting adaption of the Muro Saisei
>novel than Naruse's 1953 version.
>Second, given the Kimura family's collosal filial productivity, it is not
>suprising that some of Sotoji's siblings (not all with the same mother)
>also became famous. Kimura Sota was a novelist who was involved with
>Osugi Sakae, Tsuji Jun, and other anarchist modernists, and worked on
>creating an actual anarchist rural community in the model of Kropotkin.
>Kimura Akebono was an important early woman novelist. Kimura Shohachi was
>a famous Western style painter and illustrator.  And Kimura Soju was a
>popular novelist who won the Naoki Prize in 1941.  There are likely some
>more, but that's probably enough.  It would be interesting just to
>investigate this family sometime.
>Aaron Gerow
>Associate Professor
>International Student Center
>Yokohama National University
>79-1 Tokiwadai
>Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501
>E-mail: gerow at ynu.ac.jp
>Phone: 81-45-339-3170
>Fax: 81-45-339-3171
>Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 11:52:53
>From: "Tom Mes" <china_crisis at hotmail.com>
>To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Re: Japan magazine
>Message-ID: <F233ZWkKkqTgtoBjfgB000092da at hotmail.com>
> >Also, since noone seems to have mentioned it yet, there's an article by
> >Mark Schilling offering a round-up of Yakuza cinema in the new "Japan"
> >magazine, published in Holland (in English) and available 
>I did post this news a while ago actually, but there's no harm in reminding
>people. It's a terrific magazine with a wide variety of Japan-related 
>(from cinema to politics and fashion design) that should hold an interest
>for just about anyone on this list.
>I hear next month's issue will contain an article by Jasper Sharp on film
>adaptations of the work of Edogawa Rampo. One to look out for.
>Midnight Eye
>Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
>End of KINEJAPAN Digest 601

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