horrifying act in NYC

Andrzej Kozlowski lists at platon.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Wed Sep 12 10:42:35 EDT 2001

  Do you actually know anything about the world at all? Have you ever 
been in any other country but the US? America's crime is that it is so 
powerful. Because of that whatever it does it will always be damned by 
somebody. If it does not intervene in Bosnia, or Kurdistan or Somalia it 
is callous and heartless.  If it does not rescue the Albanians in Kosovo 
it is indifferent to human suffering. But if it does it commits crimes 
agains the Serbs.  All over the world people tear each other to pieces 
and demand that Americans come to their rescue. Would you please 
enlighten me if the Amerians showed their "the crass behaviour"  and 
"indifference"  in Rwanda where they did nothing and allowed a million 
people to be butchered with machetes or in Kosovo, where they intervened 
and are now stuck being increasingly more detested by both sides for not 
siding with them?

I joined this list because I thought I would read some interesting 
comments about the films I see here from time to time, but this level of 
discussion is not what I was expecting.

Good bye

Andrzej Kozlowski

On Wednesday, September 12, 2001, at 11:07  PM, Pete Larson wrote:

> Sure, this is tragic. Yes, I sympathize. But you can't forget that the
> United States is in some way resposible for what happened. The U.S. has 
> been
> throwing it's weight around the world and finally someone has decided 
> that
> they have had enough. Whether they or right not is another matter but 
> the
> United States has to change the way it treats the rest of the world. It 
> has
> to view itself as a part of a global community and stop using the rest 
> of
> the world as a tool for it's own profit.
> Each one of us here in the U.S. is in some way resposible for what has
> happened. Every time I ride my bike down the street and am almost hit 
> by an
> SUV making a quarter mile commute to work I am reminded at the crass
> behaviour of Americans and the indifference they have for the concerns 
> of
> the rest of the world and the environment.
> Most Americans will probably NEVER think in those terms or ever think 
> that
> what their country does is patently WRONG.
> I think that it is totally logical to think that someone would be 
> angered
> over the actions of the U.S. even to to the point of mass destruction.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> [mailto:owner-KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu]On Behalf Of Gwyn
> Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:57 AM
> To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Re: horrifying act in NYC
> right I'm getting out of this discussion! Do you think Americans are the
> only ones dead in this we've already got 2 Irish who were on the first
> plane, one 4 years old. Don't give me any of that go tell the parents
> melodramatic crap. I gave an objective opinion, try to be mature enough 
> to
> treat it as such.
> ----------
>> From: "fabio rainelli" <frainelli at hotmail.com>
>> To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>> Subject: Re: horrifying act in NYC
>> Date: Wed, Sep 12, 2001, 2:48 pm
>> Go and say it to the parents' victims
>>> From: "Gwyn" <gwyn at corporategraphics.ie>
>>> Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>>> To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>>> Subject: Re: horrifying act in NYC
>>> Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:58:42 +0100
>>> I'm sorry to be the one to bring this up considering the scale of the
>>> horror
>>> in the US. No reasoning can excuse what has happened in the US but 
>>> all the
>>> messages posted on this mailing list seem to be by Americans and 
>>> British
>>> and
>>> one major aspect of all this has been quickly passed over. All this 
>>> talk
> of
>>> aggression and terror etc. and no-one has mentioned that the American
>>> Government has caused terror and murder in plenty of countries in its
>>> "short" history. Its about crimes perpatrated against innocent 
>>> american
>>> people as retribution against various american governments. Nobody can
> deny
>>> that it was going to happen at some stage. Its the people paying for 
>>> the
>>> crimes of their elected government. Like all wars its the common man 
>>> who
>>> suffers for a political "principal".
>>> Sorry again, but its only an opinion and I think this is what
>>> differentiates
>>> it form Pearl Harbour.
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Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

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