horrifying act in NYC

Andrzej Kozlowski lists
Wed Sep 12 08:34:35 EDT 2001

I am neither British nor American.

The statements " the American Government has caused terror and murder in 
plenty of countries in its "short" history" and "Its the people paying 
for the crimes of their elected government" are highly contentious to 
say the least! Taking the most charitable interpretation, they involve a 
gross misuse of words, so that "terror and murder" become the sort of 
thing all governments, armies and police forces engage in by their very 
nature. I really can't understand the final sentence at all. It seems to 
me to suggest somehow that this was "deserved" while Pearl Harbor was 
not? I would have thought that if anybody considered the comparison with 
Pearl harbor as "disgusting" it would have been because innocent 
civilians were not the principal target of the Japanese.

Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

On Wednesday, September 12, 2001, at 08:58  PM, Gwyn wrote:

> I'm sorry to be the one to bring this up considering the scale of the 
> horror
> in the US. No reasoning can excuse what has happened in the US but all 
> the
> messages posted on this mailing list seem to be by Americans and 
> British and
> one major aspect of all this has been quickly passed over. All this 
> talk of
> aggression and terror etc. and no-one has mentioned that the American
> Government has caused terror and murder in plenty of countries in its
> "short" history. Its about crimes perpatrated against innocent american
> people as retribution against various american governments. Nobody can 
> deny
> that it was going to happen at some stage. Its the people paying for the
> crimes of their elected government. Like all wars its the common man who
> suffers for a political "principal".
> Sorry again, but its only an opinion and I think this is what 
> differentiates
> it form Pearl Harbour.

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