Naomi Kawase - impressions

Rodica-Livia Monnet rodica-livia.monnet
Sun Apr 21 23:43:02 EDT 2002

in the recent NHK documentary she did last year,in which she talks about both 
Kyakarabaa and Hotaru,she is definitely much more articulate and self-confident 
in theorizing her work.L  En r?ponse ? Aaron Gerow <gerow at>:

> >It does seem that Kawase is not very articulate in talking about her
> work,or 
> >about cinema in general.
> This was definitely the impression I had when I first met Kawase back in
> 1994. And even today, compared to directors like Aoyama, Suwa, Zeze, 
> Kurosawa, etc. who actually write theory and/or criticism, Kawase does
> not intellectually articulate her films that well. Yet at the same time,
> Kawase is definitely much more articulate than she was, having aged a 
> bit, learned a bit (from others, like Fukuda Katsuhiko), and had the 
> experience of talking a lot about her films. Thus her "cinema lesson" in
> Alba, in which she talked by herself for 3 hours and fielded about 3 
> hours of questions, was actually very illuminating, even for a scholar
> like myself.
> Aaron Gerow
> Associate Professor
> International Student Center
> Yokohama National University
> 79-1 Tokiwadai
> Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501
> E-mail: gerow at
> Phone: 81-45-339-3170
> Fax: 81-45-339-3171

Rodica-Livia Monnet,Associate Professor
D?partement de litt?rature compar?e/Dept.of Comparative Literature
University of Montreal,Pav.Lionel Groulx,8th floor,C-8116
3150 Jean Brillant,Montreal,Quebec, H3T 1N8,Canada
Tel.514-343-6340,Fax 514-343-2211
Email: rodica-livia.monnet at

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