Nobuo Nakagawa

Descans Cyril descan at
Mon Dec 2 12:52:15 EST 2002


Some of the Eclipse Film / Beam Entertainment collection have been released
in 2000 and 2001, it's more than a year now since the more recent one has
been released... And it seems impossible to find news about future dvds in
the Eclipse Film / Beam Entertainment collection.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan M. Hall" <jmhall at>
To: <KineJapan at>
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Nobuo Nakagawa

> Cyril,
> Well, the films themselves are from the late 50s, but I had thought the
> were recent as I hadn't seen them on the shelves before.  I guess I
> shouldn't assume my consumer interface is the center of the world.  Do you
> know what year the DVD was put out?  The DVDs I bought don't have DVD
> release dates.
> ³Wherever media were unable to connect, human interfaces filled the
> >
> Doing my best to fill those niches,
> Jonathan
> > From: "Descans Cyril" <descan at>
> > Reply-To: KineJapan at
> > Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 17:34:27 +0100
> > To: <KineJapan at>
> > Subject: Re: Nobuo Nakagawa
> >
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > Jonathan, the Nakagawa Nobuo films are not recent releases and that's
> > I hope the Eclipse Film / Beam Entertainment collection will provide us
> > future releases... I've seens the five horror movies among the eight
> > directed by Nakagawa Nobuo in this collection and they really have to be
> > discovered. I hope we'll have the chance to see more movies of this kind
> > dvd in the next years !
> >
> > Remember Gerry Malir from ArtsMagic in the UK told us on this list they
> > plan to release "Goke" in 2003... I can't wait for it !
> >
> > Cyril
> >
> >

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