What's in a name - Re: Kurosawa Kiyoshi and "Akarui Mirai" at Tokyo Filmex

Jasper Sharp jasper at midnighteye.com
Wed Dec 4 08:54:16 EST 2002

> If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, I believe a recent Midnight Eye
> mailer mentioned the title change.  Perhaps Tom or Jasper could verify
> for us?

Not sure if either of us mentioned any title change, but anyway, if this is
any help:

The English language title listed in the FilmEx festival catalogue is the
direct translation of the Japanese ; BRIGHT FUTURE. Rather less catchy than
JELLYFISH ALERT if you ask me, which,  though I haven't seen the film, I
thought was a wonderful title, even if the Jellyfish doesn't play a huge

Whilst on the subject of film titles, and forgive me if this has come up
before, but can anyone help me with a question regarding the titles of the
two early Naomi Kawase 8mm documentaries. First up, why is EMBRACING's
original title "Ni tsutsumarete". Isn't this the verb "tsutsumu" (to wrap,
veil) with the particle marker stuck in front, rather than behind? Any
particular reason for this word play, if it is indeed word play?
And why is the second documentary title, about her grandmother, mispelt as
KATATSUMORI as opposed to KATATSUMURI? (I assume she's talking about snails)
Both titles are written with hiragana, rathern than the relevant kanji.
Anyone able to give any insight into Ms Kawase's choice of titling - as
HOTARU, as she explained to me in the interview we put on Midnight Eye over
a year ago now, also uses a script-based phonetic "pun", which similarly
seems beyond the comprehension of most (non film based) Japanese people I've
talked to about it.

Thanks (in advance) for any help,


Midnight Eye: The Latest and Best in Japanese Cinema

> >Don, you said "used to be" in relation to the title. Have they officially
> >changed it?
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