TV question

Aaron Gerow gerow at
Thu Dec 12 20:13:10 EST 2002

>Does anybody know a good search site or discussion list for Japanese

For fictional TV series, there is the TV Drama Database.

I've used it quite a lot and especially for name and title searches it it 
can be quite productive. You can also search their "kaisetsu" but it will 
obviously be a bit more difficult to get the answer you want.

Finally, I do want to remind everyone on KineJapan that this list is 
about "Japanese film and moving image media," so television has always 
been included in our range of topics. In other words, although 95% of the 
discussion is about movies, THIS IS A TV DISCUSSION LIST TOO! As list 
manager, I do encourage people to throw in some TV topics as well.

Aaron Gerow
Yokohama National University
KineJapan list owner
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