Berlinale films

Sany van Tran svtran
Sat Jan 26 08:14:54 EST 2002

Hi Tom,

> >that?s a great news, do you know from other anime which will be shown >at 
> >the festival? What?s about "Metropolis" and "Millenium Actress"?
> Satoshi Kon's Millennium Actress will be showing at the Panasia Festival in 
> Deauville, France in March. The film's foreign distribution rights were 
> bought by Dreamworks, who are limiting the number of festival screenings.

Intriguing! So DreamWorks has bought the international distribution
rights to this movie? That would be a further indication of their
interest in Japanese animation after it?s been said that they are
actively negotiating about the rights of "Spirited Away". 

But I wonder why they?d want to limit the number of festival screenings. 

> Tom


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