Nikkei Nambei-jin

Mark Nornes amnornes
Wed Jun 5 10:40:59 EDT 2002

Check out Kamikaze Taxi and Gaijin. A sequel to the latter was being 
shot this year, but the main actress died in the middle of production; I 
haven't heard if it's being completed.  Harada has a sequel to Kamikaze 
Taxi on the back burners.


On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 05:12  AM, Khash Najib wrote:

> Hello,
> I wonder if anyone on the list knows of any films, fiction
> or documentary, that deal with the issue of Brazilians or
> other Latin Americans from Japanese origins. Anything
> would be helpful, whether it covers Japanese migration to
> South America, Nikkei history and communities over there,
> Nikkei returnees to Japan and their legal and ethnic
> status, or any other related topic.
> Thanks,
> Najib El-Khash
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