
John Dougill dougill
Wed Jun 5 21:58:29 EDT 2002

Thanks to Mark Schilling for the tip about abebooks.com  It does indeed
offer a lot of books not appearing on amazon, and I found the ordering to be
extremely simple and straightforward.  Now I wait with baited breath for the
arrival of the Cahiers du Cinema special edition to see what they have to
say on Mizoguchi...

on 5/6/02 0:56 AM, mark schilling at 0934611501 at jcom.home.ne.jp wrote:

> John Dougill asked about books in English on Mizoguchi. Check out these nine
> search results on abebooks.com -- you might find something you like,
> including a booklet for the 1978 British Film Institute Mizoguchi retro and
> Donald Kirihara's "Patterns In Time: Mizoguchi in the 1930s."
> I find abebooks.com generally better for rare stuff than Amazon, though the
> prices can be all over the map.
> Mark Schilling
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Dougill" <dougill at mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp>
> To: <KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 6:21 PM
> Subject: Mizoguchi
>> Many thanks to Aaron for his helpful reply about Abe no Seimei.
>> I wonder if he or anyone else could help me with another enquiry, this
> time
>> about books in English on Mizoguchi.  Amazon.com and its out of print
>> contacts are unable to locate a copy of Keiko MacDonald's book, so I
> wonder
>> if there is anything else that's useful out there....  a study of
> Mizoguchi
>> in a larger work would be of interest too.
>> Thanks
>> JD

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