Japan's portrayal of the 'foreign'
Lorenzo Torres
Thu Jun 13 07:08:47 EDT 2002
It is just in part a japanese film, but I recommend you "Yi-yi" from the
taiwanese Edward Yang.
Hope it helps you.
Lorenzo J. Torres
Madrid, Spain.
>From: donna helliwell <donnahelliwell at yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>To: KineJapan at lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
>Subject: Japan's portrayal of the 'foreign'
>Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 13:23:35 -0700 (PDT)
>Dear all,
>I'm currently researching for my dissertation on Japan's representation of
>the foreign as a reaffirmation of japanese cultural identity and
>homogeneity. Could anyone help me by naming films that show portrayals of
>foreigners or the 'foreign'?
>With many thanks in advance,
>Donna Helliwell
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