Kairo and Lain

Giacomo Calorio cinnamon815
Fri Jun 14 18:02:01 EDT 2002

I'm watching a very beautiful anime by Nakamura Ryutaro, "Serial
Experiments: Lain" (1998), written by Konaka Chiaki. There's a lot of
similarities with Kurosawa Kiyoshi's "Kairo"... particularly I was
impressed by the statement "The other side is overcrowded, the dead have
no place to go". I haven't see it all yet, but the story too seems
quite similar (ghosts who communicate with human by means of a sort of
internet). Konaka Chiaki wrote the subject of Kurosawa's "Door III",
but about Kairo I didn't manage to find connection between Kurosawa
and Konaka, does anyone know if there's some?

Giacomo Calorio

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